alright, updated my blog after being persuade by someone. anyway as you people can see i am really into Shelock Holmes right now. ( what am i talking bot, i am always into stuff like that). it is perhaps one of the few things that managed to pull me away from my laptop. Shelock Holmes always uses his subtle power of reasoning in solving his case, and NOTHING escape him.
kk enough of Holmes, time to change topic, was working in the holiday. at hangten. sorry if i offend anyone here. but hangten is perhaps one of the worse apparel shop ever. let start with the daily routine, every day we(me and alvin) cannot be "on time", we have to be early. cos if we are just 1 min later, there goes our daily $15 incestive. and mind your the pay w/o the incestive is like working at Macdonald.2nd, the shirt or so call uniform is the NDP shirt, i mean it is good to be patriotic, but NDP is like so ages ago, if they at least allow us to pick our uniform it would be better.( well at the very least we can find some better clothes out of a huge mountain of rags ) the last thing with really tick me off is that IIIII have to travel all the way there to collect my paycheck!!!, like WTH right?? from CCK to YCK it is a damn long and boring journey.
well at least there are some take way from this work, manage to know couple of good frens, anything else.... let me see nope.
really really busy this whole semester, 4 upcoming competitions in the Dec, gotta train and train >.<
well, back to reading my Shelock Holmes book
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data