well well, begin reviving my blog with the word potential.
had been wondering for a very long time where my potential lies in.
I'm not very good with sports, computers, or even studies...
what's up ken?? what's with the emo stuff??
well i dunno, i guess it must be part of growing up, it like getting lost in a jungle learning how to get out.
been busy with IAC and COMMT projects, so i didn't blog for something. i know, i know for all those business studies freaks down there. these two project are like peanuts. but please for someone is severely disable in English. it is like getting ram by an bulldozer.
anyway IAC is finally over, though there are uneven distribution of work but we manage to give an excellento presentation. (clap, clap).
As for fencing, i feel that i been failing gradually. not extending my arm correctly, my fleche fail to the max, timing is go way off......
competetion is coming up real soon and i really dunno whether i can improve till then.
just hope that things will get better.
revivalto blogero